Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship

1 winner$1,500
In Review
Application Deadline
May 7, 2024
Winners Announced
Jun 7, 2024
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate student
Non-profit or volunteering experience
Education Level:
Undergraduate student
Non-profit or volunteering experience

Ginny Biada dedicated her professional life to a remarkable career in the field of Financial Aid at several institutions of higher learning.

She served as served as the President of the Ohio Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (OASFAA) and was a decorated representative of the OASFAA and MASFAA (Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) organizations. She was received numerous professional accolades, most notably the Lifetime Membership Award from OASFAA, which is given to an individual who has made major and significant contributions to the profession. 

As much as she committed to her professional career, Ginny's most treasured roles in life were as a wife, mother, and grandmother. She loved her husband, 3 children, and 6 grandkids passionately. She never missed a birthday, sporting event, or important milestone in their lives. She was always willing to sacrifice her own needs for those of her family. She was the glue that held her family together.

Ginny was also a strong woman of faith. She trusted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior many years ago. She desired to live her life in such a manner as to bring honor to Him. She exemplified this each day through the grace and love she bestowed on those around her. This was the foundation for her service in the community and in her church.

She touched so many lives in countless ways. In the words of her Lord, 'Well done good and faithful servant' Matthew 5:21.

In her memory, her children have set up this scholarship fund to carry on her legacy.

Any undergraduate student who has non-profit or volunteering experience may apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, tell us how your mother positively impacted your life and helped you on your path.

Selection Criteria:
Published February 7, 2024
1 winner$1,500
In Review
Application Deadline
May 7, 2024
Winners Announced
Jun 7, 2024
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Essay Topic

How has your mother impacted your life in a positive way and how was she instrumental in helping you become the person you are today?

400–600 words

Winners and Finalists

May 2023

Winning Application

Kilah Fischer
Liberty UniversityLancaster, CA
My mother has impacted me in many significant ways. Her greatest impact on my life is how she loves her family. She honestly sounds much like Mrs. Ginny was. My mom loves through service predominately. She is not always the most affectionate or vocal about her feelings, but you always knew she loved you by the way she took care of you. She is the epitome of Philippians 2:3-4(NKJV), “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." Now as an adult, I can reflect back on my childhood with so much appreciation and thankfulness for just how much she served her family and mostly in ways that would never be seen or acknowledged. She never asked for recognition or validation for her efforts. She served purely out of the love in her heart for her family and her Lord. I feel very spoiled that I was able to grow up so consumed by love from such a selfless person. She never stops finding ways to take care of us. Even though I am grown and out of the house, she continues to find ways to bless me. She will randomly drop off groceries, buy me things she knows I don't have the money for, or bring me leftovers at work because she somehow knew by the tone in my voice that I had a rough morning. I always wondered if there was anything that I could do to make her run out of love, because surely everyone has their limits and no one could so wholeheartedly take care of another person so consistently. But she never gave up on me, no matter how difficult of a teenager I was or how independent I think I need to be as an adult. Her love for me never ran out, for which I am eternally blessed because of and am in no way deserving of. In truth, my mother is the purest form of Christ love that I have ever experienced on this earth. I don’t believe anything will compare to that fierce love and affection other than from Jesus Himself. I hope to be half of the mother and woman that my mom is and half of the woman of faith that she is. A mother’s love is the most authentic example of Christ’s love for His children. Love of which we are so undeserving but so in need of. I am a better person because of my mother’s love and because of the love of my Jesus that remains an constant driving force inside of her. Thank you for helping me remember just how blessed I am and how wonderfully special my mom is. I hope to not need a essay prompt in the future to be reminded of the precious treasure Ive been given.
Claire Gamble
Taylor UniversityMarion, IN
My mom is one of the strongest people I know. Not only has she helped to raise four kids, I am the youngest of the four, but she was the primary caregiver for my dad when he was diagnosed with ALS. ALS is a terminal disease that takes away all of your independence. Dad was diagnosed in July 2018 and died in July 2020. Mom was a rock the entire time. It was incredibly hard for her to be a caregiver 24/7 for over a year, but she didn't complain, and they continued to attend every activity we participated in. This meant lugging the handicapped van with my dad in a wheelchair everywhere. Mom was raised in a Christian home and made sure that we were taught the Bible stories, our faith in God, and morals that exhibited Christ. We have all been grieving for the last 2.5 years, but again, mom is always there for us whenever we need to talk, cry, or laugh. She continues to travel the country to be at our events. She works part-time at several jobs to keep three of us in college this year. She has shown me how to be a Christian and a young woman. I have been diagnosed with learning disabilities, and she continued to homeschool all of us. When academics got hard for me, she found ways to make it work. She never gave up on me. Last year, she helped the audiologist find that I had Auditory Processing Disorder, and she paid for my hearing aids. This has enabled me to focus more on what I hear and to learn better. My brain needed to be retrained, and she studied how to help me in my academics best to tutor me, in addition to my regular homeschool curriculum. She went way over the normal to ensure I was getting all of my needs met. She is a mentor and a wonderful mother. ALS is an expensive disease and any financial help would be appreciated for my education. It would help me and be a gift that I could give back to her after helping me so much all of my life. I want to take all I have learned and endured to work with orphans after finishing my social work degree. The skills my mom modeled for me and taught me will be useful. I am thankful God gave me a mom like her. Life has been tough for all of us, but we never gave up, and we knew God would give us a way. Thank you for reading about my mom.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is May 7, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jun 7, 2024.

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